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Basics of Soft Air Dry Clay

Welcome to the world of soft air dry clay! This page contains all the tips you'll need to use in conjunction with our kit tutorials. Use them as and when you see fit, for a smoother process and surface finish.

1. Work Surface
Choose a non-sticky, non-glossy surface to work on. Ensure the work surface, your tools (usually a toothpick and scissors) and hands are wiped and clean at all times to prevent unwanted dirt and lint from transferring onto your clay.

2. The Clay
Each of our kits come with freshly packed clay. Please use the kit within 2 months of receiving it to ensure freshness and ease of use. Keep it sealed at all times when not in use, away from the surrounding air.

3. Conditioning The Clay
There will be many instances where you need to roll the clay into a ball/ cylinder etc. You may realise that the clay do not look smooth, or have unwanted lines and folds within, if not conditioned properly.

To remove these unwanted traits, pull your clay multiple times till it feels smooth and easier to work with. It may be 10-20 times, or more, depending on the state of your clay. Don't worry, it's easy and fun to pull!

4. Clay Too Dry Or Sticky?
Spritz a little bit of water to soften it. Just a tiny bit! Add more if needed. Note that it may get slippery and harder to handle if you add too much water, so add a little at a time. The color in the clay may also run with the water. Do not use a tissue to dry up water on the clay, the tissue will stick to the clay!

If your clay is too sticky, leave it to sit for a couple minutes, depending on how sticky it is. It will firm up and become easier to handle.

5. Joining Clay Parts
If your clay is fresh, it should be easy to adhere with just a little pressure on the parts. Otherwise, dab a tiny bit of water and apply a little pressure to join. If these still do not work, you may use any type of regular glue to join the parts. Note that soft air dry clay can be very hard to separate after sticking together, and will likely leave remnants on the other clay part. So be mindful whenever you are joining parts!

6. Using The Toothpick
Our kits mostly come with a toothpick for modeling and adding details. If the clay is too dry/ hard, the toothpick may not leave a deep enough impression. Spritz a little bit of water, wait for it to dry a little, then try again. 

If the clay is too soft and sticky, it may stick to your toothpick badly. Just leave the clay to air dry for a minute or two, and try the toothpick again. 

7. Summary
Soft air dry clay is a fun medium to play with! It only requires gentle handling, and you'll be able to achieve amazing and fun results :) If you need further help, email us at , happy claying!

• Store your clay kits away from direct sunlight, and sealed in the clay bags to prevent drying out of the clay.
• Use your clay kits within 2 months of receiving for the best claying experience!